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Klaus Konrad Weigele

Disney-Filme leben in besonderem Maße von ihren Soundtracks. Viele Songs erfreuen sich auch Jahrzehnte nach der Filmpremiere großer Bekanntheit und Beliebtheit. Auch die in diesem Band zusammengestell...

Disney-Filme leben in besonderem Maße von ihren Soundtracks. Viele Songs erfreuen sich auch Jahrzehnte nach der Filmpremiere großer Bekanntheit und Beliebtheit. Auch die in diesem Band zusammengestell...

  • Children's Choir (SA) and Piano
  • Piano Score
  • Carus-Verlag
  • in stock
    ships within 1-2 working days
23,50 €
in stock | ships within 1-2 working days
Order no.: CV12435-00

Weihnachtslieder für Kinder

Liederbuch mit Mitsing-CD

Voller Spannung erwarten Kinder die Weihnachtszeit: Plätzchen werden gebacken, Türchen geöffnet, Kerzen angezündet, Wunschzettel geschrieben: Der Nikolaus kommt, das Krippenspiel wird geprobt, und nac...

Voller Spannung erwarten Kinder die Weihnachtszeit: Plätzchen werden gebacken, Türchen geöffnet, Kerzen angezündet, Wunschzettel geschrieben: Der Nikolaus kommt, das Krippenspiel wird geprobt, und nac...

  • Songbook (Melody, Lyrics, Chords)
  • Sheet music and CD
  • Carus-Verlag
  • in stock
    ships within 1-2 working days
29,95 €
in stock | ships within 1-2 working days
Order no.: CV02404-00

chorissimo! blue

Schulchorbuch für gleiche Stimmen (Premium Set)

For every children's and youth choir, the path from monophony to polyphony is an exciting process. 'chorissimo! blue', the new, equal-voice volume of the successful chorus series chorissimo!, accompan...

For every children's and youth choir, the path from monophony to polyphony is an exciting process. 'chorissimo! blue', the new, equal-voice volume of the successful chorus series chorissimo!, accompan...

  • Children's Choir
  • Sheet Music and CD
  • Carus-Verlag
  • ships within 2-4 working days
268,00 €
ships within 2-4 working days
Order no.: CV02204-00

chorissimo! Christmas - Chorleiterband mit CD

29 weihnachtliche Arrangements für das Singen in der Schule - für gemischten Chor mit einer Männerstimme

'chorissimo!' - die erfolgreiche Reihe für das Singen in der Schule - wird um einen Weihnachtsband für gemischten Chor mit einer Männerstimme und Klavier erweitert. Das Chorbuch chorissimo! Christmas...

'chorissimo!' - die erfolgreiche Reihe für das Singen in der Schule - wird um einen Weihnachtsband für gemischten Chor mit einer Männerstimme und Klavier erweitert. Das Chorbuch chorissimo! Christmas...

  • Youth Choir (SA) and Piano
  • Piano Score and CD
  • Carus-Verlag
  • in stock
    ships within 1-2 working days
33,00 €
in stock | ships within 1-2 working days
Order no.: CV02221-00

Chorissimo! Winter and Christmas - conductor's score

40 new compositions and arrangements for equal voices and piano

Tis the season to be jolly - 'Tis the season for caroling! chorissimo! Winter und Weihnachten (Winter and christmas) offers a wide range of canons, quodlibets and carol arrangements for children’s cho...

Tis the season to be jolly - 'Tis the season for caroling! chorissimo! Winter und Weihnachten (Winter and christmas) offers a wide range of canons, quodlibets and carol arrangements for children’s cho...

  • Children's Choir (1-3 Voices) and Piano
  • Piano Score and Online Audio
  • Carus-Verlag
  • ships within 2-4 working days
29,95 €
ships within 2-4 working days
Order no.: CV02223-00

Chorissimo! Winter and Christmas - edition for choir

40 new compositions and arrangements for equal voices and piano

Tis the season to be jolly - 'Tis the season for caroling! chorissimo! Winter und Weihnachten (Winter and christmas) offers a wide range of canons, quodlibets and carol arrangements for children’s cho...

Tis the season to be jolly - 'Tis the season for caroling! chorissimo! Winter und Weihnachten (Winter and christmas) offers a wide range of canons, quodlibets and carol arrangements for children’s cho...

  • Children's Choir (1-3 Voices) and Piano
  • Choral Score, Online Audio and Online Audio
  • Carus-Verlag
  • ships within 2-4 working days
11,00 €
ships within 2-4 working days
Order no.: CV02223-05

Weihnachtslieder für Kinder in Arrangements für ein bis zwei Singstimmen, Klavier und instrumentale Oberstimme ad libitum. Für die Kinder wird als Ergänzung zum Klavier- und Musizierband ein Kinderhef...

Weihnachtslieder für Kinder in Arrangements für ein bis zwei Singstimmen, Klavier und instrumentale Oberstimme ad libitum. Für die Kinder wird als Ergänzung zum Klavier- und Musizierband ein Kinderhef...

  • Children's Choir (SA) and Piano
  • Sheet Music
  • Carus-Verlag
  • in stock
    ships within 1-2 working days
13,20 €
in stock | ships within 1-2 working days
Order no.: CV02404-07

Christmas Carols for flute

20 easy carols for winter, Advent and Christmas for 1-3 flutes and piano

What would Christmas time be without music-making together? Advent, Christmas, and winter songs play an important role for all beginners on a melody instrument, because with these they can show off th...

What would Christmas time be without music-making together? Advent, Christmas, and winter songs play an important role for all beginners on a melody instrument, because with these they can show off th...

  • 1-3 Flutes and Piano
  • Piano Score, Part(s) and Online Audio
  • Carus-Verlag
  • ships within 2-4 working days
11,50 €
ships within 2-4 working days
Order no.: CV02462-48

Christmas Carols for clarinet

20 easy carols for winter, Advent and Christmas for 1-3 clarinets and piano

What would Christmas time be without music-making together? Advent, Christmas, and winter songs play an important role for all beginners on a melody instrument, because with these they can show off th...

What would Christmas time be without music-making together? Advent, Christmas, and winter songs play an important role for all beginners on a melody instrument, because with these they can show off th...

  • 1-3 Clarinets and Piano
  • Piano Score, Part(s) and Online Audio
  • Carus-Verlag
  • ships within 2-4 working days
11,50 €
ships within 2-4 working days
Order no.: CV02464-48

Christmas Carols for recorder

20 easy carols for winter, Advent and Christmas for 1-3 recorders and piano

What would Christmas time be without music-making together? Advent, Christmas, and winter songs play an important role for all beginners on a melody instrument, because with these they can show off th...

What would Christmas time be without music-making together? Advent, Christmas, and winter songs play an important role for all beginners on a melody instrument, because with these they can show off th...

  • 1-3 Recorders and Piano
  • Piano Score, Part(s) and Online Audio
  • Carus-Verlag
  • ships within 2-4 working days
11,50 €
ships within 2-4 working days
Order no.: CV02463-48