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Michael Talbot

Benedetto Vinaccesi

Belve, se mai provaste

Sopran und Basso continuo

  • High Voice and Continuo
  • Sheet Music
  • Edition HH Limited
  • in stock
    ships within 1-2 working days
16,90 €
in stock | ships within 1-2 working days
Order no.: MDS-HH101

Benedetto Vinaccesi

Dal tuono il lampo aspetta

Sopran und Basso continuo

This is an example of a cantata morale - a cantata that, for once, does not explore the pleasures and pains of love among the shepherds and nymphs of Arcadia but offers timeless advice on moral conduc...

This is an example of a cantata morale - a cantata that, for once, does not explore the pleasures and pains of love among the shepherds and nymphs of Arcadia but offers timeless advice on moral conduc...

  • High Voice and Continuo
  • Sheet Music
  • Edition HH Limited
  • in stock
    ships within 1-2 working days
16,90 €
in stock | ships within 1-2 working days
Order no.: MDS-HH102

Benedetto Vinaccesi

Su la sponda d'un rio

Sopran und Basso continuo

The cantata's subject, treated with a soupçon of humour and originality (by being combined with the unrelated theme of sleep), is the familiar one of a lover protesting his fidelity to his beloved. Th...

The cantata's subject, treated with a soupçon of humour and originality (by being combined with the unrelated theme of sleep), is the familiar one of a lover protesting his fidelity to his beloved. Th...

  • High Voice and Continuo
  • Sheet Music
  • Edition HH Limited
  • in stock
    ships within 1-2 working days
16,90 €
in stock | ships within 1-2 working days
Order no.: MDS-HH103

Benedetto Vinaccesi

Or fia mai vero, o lontananza infida

Or fia mai vero, o lontananza infida

  • High Voice and Continuo
  • Sheet Music
  • Edition HH Limited
  • in stock
    ships within 1-2 working days
16,90 €
in stock | ships within 1-2 working days
Order no.: MDS-HH104

Benedetto Vinaccesi

Ingratissima Clori

Sopran und Basso continuo

  • High Voice and Continuo
  • Sheet Music
  • Edition HH Limited
  • in stock
    ships within 1-2 working days
16,90 €
in stock | ships within 1-2 working days
Order no.: MDS-HH105

Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni

Se più sfida i miei pensieri

Sopran und Basso continuo

The poetic theme of the cantata is the well-worn one of unrequited love. In the opening aria, the singer challenges the God of Love to battle. This is a true aria di battaglia in which the singer mimi...

The poetic theme of the cantata is the well-worn one of unrequited love. In the opening aria, the singer challenges the God of Love to battle. This is a true aria di battaglia in which the singer mimi...

  • High Voice and Continuo
  • Sheet Music
  • Edition HH Limited
  • in stock
    ships within 1-2 working days
16,90 €
in stock | ships within 1-2 working days
Order no.: MDS-HH108

Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni

Sorgea col lume in fronte

Sopran und Basso continuo

This cantata, from an important manuscript in Berlin containing 18 Albinoni cantatas for soprano and continuo, is distinguished not only by its music, which is exceptionally finely wrought and ends wi...

This cantata, from an important manuscript in Berlin containing 18 Albinoni cantatas for soprano and continuo, is distinguished not only by its music, which is exceptionally finely wrought and ends wi...

  • High Voice and Continuo
  • Sheet Music
  • Edition HH Limited
  • in stock
    ships within 1-2 working days
16,90 €
in stock | ships within 1-2 working days
Order no.: MDS-HH109

Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni

Donna illustre del Lazio

Sopran und Basso continuo

This cantata, from an important manuscript in Berlin containing 18 Albinoni cantatas for soprano and continuo, is in effect a praise-song addressed to Isabella Tarquinia Ottoboni, aunt of Cardinal Pie...

This cantata, from an important manuscript in Berlin containing 18 Albinoni cantatas for soprano and continuo, is in effect a praise-song addressed to Isabella Tarquinia Ottoboni, aunt of Cardinal Pie...

  • High Voice and Continuo
  • Sheet Music
  • Edition HH Limited
  • in stock
    ships within 1-2 working days
16,90 €
in stock | ships within 1-2 working days
Order no.: MDS-HH140

Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni

Lontan da te, mia vita

Sopran und Basso continuo

This cantata, from an important manuscript in Berlin containing 18 Albinoni cantatas for soprano and continuo, is on the subject of the lover's separation from his (or it could be her) beloved, one of...

This cantata, from an important manuscript in Berlin containing 18 Albinoni cantatas for soprano and continuo, is on the subject of the lover's separation from his (or it could be her) beloved, one of...

  • High Voice and Continuo
  • Sheet Music
  • Edition HH Limited
  • in stock
    ships within 1-2 working days
16,90 €
in stock | ships within 1-2 working days
Order no.: MDS-HH141

Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni

Quest'e l'ora fatale

Sopran und Basso continuo

This cantata, from an important manuscript in Berlin containing 18 Albinoni cantatas for soprano and continuo, is on the subject of the parting of lovers. Dalinda, forced to part from Tirsi, vows fide...

This cantata, from an important manuscript in Berlin containing 18 Albinoni cantatas for soprano and continuo, is on the subject of the parting of lovers. Dalinda, forced to part from Tirsi, vows fide...

  • High Voice and Continuo
  • Sheet Music
  • Edition HH Limited
  • in stock
    ships within 1-2 working days
16,90 €
in stock | ships within 1-2 working days
Order no.: MDS-HH142