Mikhail Glinka (1804-1857) is considered to be the father of modern Russian music, and was the first Russian to have his work performed in the West. His influence is clearly seen in the work of MilyBa...
'The Lark' is one of the most popular Russian songs of the Romantic era, composed by the founder of the Russian nationalist school, Mikhail Glinka. His fellow countryman, Mili Balakirev, took this sim...
For S.A.T.B. Chorus, a cappella
Michail Iwanowitsch Glinka (1804-1857) gilt allgemein als der ,,Vater der russischen Musik'. Dieser Ruf gründet sich hauptsächlich auf seine beiden Opern Ein Leben für den Zaren und Ruslan und Ljudmil...
Glinka King 4 Short Fugues Mfb306 Trumpet Trombone Horn Book