Compelling Ukrainian Bell Carol with festive wintertime words. Textured choral parts bring a flurry of "jing, jingle's," and "fa la la's." Familiar and fun!The PerformancePlus+ series is an innovative...
Here's an uplifting Nicky Youre bop featured in the animated Netflix movie The Magician's Elephant. With its funky pop groove and sweet-sounding harmonies, this feel-good feature is a breath of fresh...
This feel-good reggae tune was made famous by Ziggy Marley, and later featured in Disney's original sequel to The Little Mermaid. With an accented groove and "make this world a little better" lyrics,...
With its irresistible groove and holiday spirit, it's no wonder that this rock song has been covered by countless artists over the decades! Choirs of all ages will appreciate the full harmonies, taste...
Andy Grammer's signature song encourages perseverance and a positive mindset in the face of life's ups and downs. The rhythmic accompaniment provides a hip backdrop for energetic vocal lines that pass...
Written for the 30th Anniversary of the Milwaukee Children's Choir by founding director Emily Crocker, this song of unity features original words by John Jacobson and a simple Latin phrase meaning "lo...
This hot holiday single from Cher's Christmas album is a groovin' techno-pop earworm in her signature style. The driving, four-on-the-floor dance beat is guaranteed to bring the house down. Favorite p...
A stellar setting of the South African folk song for developing singers with logical part-writing, stylistic rhythms, and an energized accompaniment!The PerformancePlus+ series is an innovative additi...
This Japanese folk song is sung during the annual Star Festival, when trees are decorated with wishes written on colorful strips of paper. Greg's partner song arrangement pairs the traditional pentato...
Here's a traditional lullaby text set to original music in partner song style. At the heart of the piece, the flowing melody is paired with a descant-like counterline, creating lovely harmony. The sup...