Gospel-Messe für Chor, Sprecher und instrumentale Begleitung ad lib. Religious and spiritual songs. Instrumental-Partitur und Stimmen (Klavier, Flöte/Violine, Bass, Percussion).
Based on a Christopher Smart text also memorably used in Benjamin Britten's Rejoice in the Lamb, this version is set for treble voices with piano and a little band of snare drum, bass drum and triangl...
> More than 65 flexibly scored anthems > Suitable for mixed choirs, upper-voice choirs, male-voice choirs, choirs with few men, unison choirs, small choirs, and all other groups > New flexible arrange...
InstruPax includes parts for alto sax, 2 trumpets, trombone, synthesizer, percussion, rhythm and director's score.
The popular song 'If you're happy' is now available in a single edition for the first time! The Norwegian composer Helge Förde has managed to write an international choral music hit, the evocative Lat...
A little bit of blues, a little bit of swing, a little bit of gospel, and a whole lot of fun! This spiritual for young singers has got it all, with smart two-part writing and an up-beat, supportive pi...
Religious and spiritual songs. Gopspel-Messe für 1-2 gleiche Stimmen, Sprecher und Instrumental-Begleitung ad lib.
Spirituals sind geistliche Lieder der schwarzen Bevölkerung im Süden der Vereinigten Staaten, die vielfach in die Zeit der Sklaverei zurückreichen. Sie sind seit altersher ein ideales Mittel, um Gemüt...
John Leavitt has brilliantly set this text from the Jewish Liturgy in this new original work for choir. With a simple message of peace, it is a fitting work for troubled times. Optional klezmer instru...