Christopher Norton's acclaimed microjazz series has won worldwide popularity with teachers and students alike for its stimulating blend of contemporary genres and classical values. Two beginners' book...
Dave Brubeck, the genius of jazz, provides us with his distinctive renditions of Christmastime favorites.
The Faber Music Jazz Piano Anthology is a timeless collection of some of the best Jazz music ever written, beautifully presented in progressive order and specially arranged for the intermediate pianis...
Completing Nikki Iles's musical journey through the seasons, Jazz in Autumn presents nine elegant jazz arrangements and original compositions for solo piano. With a variety of styles including swing,...
The Evolution of Solo Jazz Piano is a study of solo piano styles developed by 24 of the most influential solo pianists from 1900 to the present. In order to clearly illustrate the specific contributio...
This Jazz Standards edition of the Piano Playbook series is a delectable collection of 45 timeless jazz tunes that have become some of the most well-known and well-loved songs of all time, arrangedfor...
Jonatines are jazz sonatinas A genre-conceptual fusion and new creation. Like their classical predecessors, they follow a multi-part, mostly three-movement logic as well as a thematically reduced clar...
In the latest volume of the Schott Piano Lounge series, Carsten Gerlitz presents the most popular jazz standards and bridges the gap between traditional and modern classics of jazz music, adding the o...
Dave Brubeck has been described as a 'musician who always crossed generational boundaries'. He has been, and will continue to be, one of the great geniuses of American music.