This exciting blend of two traditional songs, Hallelujah to the Risen Lamb and a spiritual titled The Angel Rolled the Stone Away, radiates Easter joy in this triumphant gospel setting by celebrated c...
Inspired by the traditional hymn, For the Beauty of the Earth, Tom Fettke and David Allen Fettke have combined their gifts of music and lyrics to create an extraordinary choral celebration of God's pe...
Like a cool breeze on a summer morning, this is a stunning setting of the scriptures commonly known as 'The Beatitudes. ' Opening with gently flowing accompaniment, the choir women enter in unison, 'B...
Patti Drennan has re-invigorated John Francis Wade's 18th century English carol, O Come, All Ye Faithful, with lively syncopation, rich harmonic color, and opening and closing choral fanfares that wil...
Gospel fun! Tom Fettke has arranged Ralph Hudson's enduring 19th century hymn in a rousing gospel swing style, punctuated by blues harmonies and gospel rhythms. With each verse and refrain, God's prai...
This triumphant medley blends fresh, uplifting settings of traditional resurrection hymns with Reuben Morgan's outstanding contemporary Easter praise song. After the narrator (opt.) proclaims our Savi...
Part of Mark Hayes's genius lies in his ability to respond to scripture with a voice that is a true synthesis of classical and contemporary church music. God Is Love is a perfect reflection of this sy...
This lively, contemporary arrangement of the traditional carol, Joy to the World, is a terrific choice for both school holiday concerts and Christmas worship. Driving rhythms and regular syncopation m...
Practical, flexible, and inspired, this set of two seasonal choral introits offers optional 6-note handbell accompaniment - the perfect 'ring and sing' selection for your choir! Or, if you have a regu...