Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894), the musical child prodigy from Ukraine, gave his first piano concert at the age of nine. He was one of the most successful and most famous performers of his time. His per...
Accompaniment: Plovdiv Philharmonic Orchestra - Anton Rubinstein's famous 'thunder and lightning' concerto of the 19th century, long neglected in late-20th century concert halls, is now available in a...
These are lovable, playful genre pieces that serve musical entertainment in the best sense of the word. Highly recommended as an encore.
Anton G. Rubinstein - geboren 1829 in Wychwatinez, gestorben in Peterhof bei St. Petersburg - gehörte einer Familie an, in der sich deutscher Kultureinfluss deutlich bemerkbar machte. Seinen ersten Kl...
The recent volume of the successful series 'Moments Musicaux' which offers a rich selection from the popular masterpieces of the violin. In contains both original compositions for the violin and arran...