ENSEMBLE MUSIC is an extensive series for variable ensemble, chamber orchestra and schoolclass. This series is a 5-part arrangement with piano. Part 5 (bass-part) follows the left on the piano and is...
The Prelude to Te Deum is the short opening section which is the most famous part of this work because of its heroic nature, often performed as an organ solo at a wedding. The flexibility of the mixed...
Sopran solo 1, Sopran solo 2, Alt solo 1, Alt solo 2, Tenor solo 1, Tenor solo 2, Bass solo 1, Bass solo 2, Klavier - Klavierauszug; Urtextausgabe Chorwerke mit Orchester-Begleitung und Solo-Singstimm...
Sopran solo, Alt solo, Tenor solo, Bass solo, gemCh, 2 Flöte, 2 Oboe, 2 Trompete, Timp, Orgel, Streicher
Of the 11 surviving settings of the Mass by Charpentier, the present work, the Messe de minuit, is without doubt one of the most popular. Although Charpentier's Parisian career is quite well documente...
Of the 4 surviving settings of the Te Deum by Charpentier, the present one composed in the 'joyeux et très guerrier' key of D major, is undoubtedly his most famous work, thanks to television producers...
For Chorus, Soloists, and Accompaniment
It seems peculiar that so little of Charpentier's music was printed during his lifetime. Fortunately, soon after his death a large part of his manuscripts came into the possession of the Bibliothèque...