Born in Toulouse, Marcel Bitsch (1921-2011) went on to study at the Paris Conservatoire before becoming a professor of counterpoint at the institution. As an exceptionally versatile composer, Bitsch h...
Twenty Studies by Marcel Bitsch is a set of works for Bassoon. Rated as difficult (7, 8), this volume was written to maintain the skills already acquired by the players and to help them to master all...
Adapted from '15 Etudes de Rythme' (Greiner).
Conservatoire - Solfeges Theoriques: Yyy01 Ou Etude Du Rythme
Conservatoire - Solfeges Theoriques: Yyy15 Ou Etude Du Rythme
Conservatoire - Solfeges Theoriques: Yyy13
Conservatoire - Solfeges Theoriques: Yyy09 Ou Yyy15
Conservatoire - Solfeges Theoriques: Yyy15
Conservatoire - Solfeges Theoriques: Yyy09