Trotta conceived this well-known Latin text as a dialogue between supplicants and the Creator. He masterfully juxtaposes a personal longing for something still to come with the steadfast assurance of...
In response to the growing need for developmentally appropriate repertoire that facilitates the teaching of independent part singing, Missa Brevis was composed for emerging choirs seeking concert repe...
Conceived as a work for emerging choirs looking for a positive message along with opportunities to develop musical skills within appropriate ranges, Whatever is True has close harmonies, optional a ca...
This energetic revoicing of Michael John Trotta's Omnia Vincit Amor for SATB Voices is intended as an accessible piece for developing mixed singers. Whether accompanied or a cappella, there are many o...
Sanctus features opportunities for unison singing and the development of independent part singing. With conservative ranges, Sanctus encourages focus on pure vowels and work on text accentuation. This...