Payment and Delivery
Payment methods:
We offer the following payment methods:
You will receive your invoice with the delivered goods and the invoice amount should be transferred to us within 14 days. This payment method is availfromle for customers in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
Direct Debit
We offer a convenient direct debit procedure for German customers. Simply enter your bank details and we will collect the amount due from your account within 14 days of shipment of goods.
Credit Card
For orders placed outside Germany, we accept Visa and MasterCard payments. The amount due will be debited from your credit card upon dispatch of goods.
For some countries, we also accept PayPal payments. When placing your order, log into your PayPal account in order to make the payment. Payment will be taken from your PayPal account upon completion of your order.
Payment methods by country:
- Invoice (bank transfer payment within 14 days of receipt of goods)
- Direct debit from German bank account (amount debited within 14 days of goods shipment)
- PayPal
Austria, Switzerland, Benelux:
- Invoice (bank transfer payment within 14 days of receipt of goods)
- Credit card (VISA, Mastercard)
- PayPal
Other European countries and rest of the world:
- Credit card (VISA, Mastercard)
- PayPal
Shipment methods and shipping costs:
Free delivery applies to orders with a minimum goods value of EUR 35.00 (applies to orders placed from within Germany). For all other countries, minimum shipping costs will apply to orders.
Your order will be dispatched using Deutsche Post or DHL depending on the delivery address, value of goods and size and weight of shipment. Packages and parcels are delivered by DHL from Monday to Saturday. In addition, your can also provide us with an alternative delivery address.
How soon will I receive my sheet music order?
We provide details of delivery times for all items. Items labelled in stock are available from our warehouse. As soon as we receive your order, we will normally ship your item within one working day.
For particularly urgent orders, we can also be contacted by telephone or e-mail.
Packing station
We will gladly deliver your order to a German packing station. In order that you can be updated by the postal service regarding the arrival of your order, we require your eight digit post office customer number and the packing station number.
Separate invoicing
Upon request will send your invoice out separately by e-mail, in the event that this did not accompany your order. This option can be selected at the checkout stage when entering an alternative delivery address.
Our Bank Details:
ships within 1-2 working days
100 Kinderlieder für Gitarre 2
beliebte Melodien & Hits aus Film und TV
100 Kinderlieder für Gitarre 2
beliebte Melodien & Hits aus Film und TV
- Instrumentation Guitar
- Series 100 Kinderlieder
Difficulty Level
- Edition Sheet Music
- Publisher Bosworth Music
- Order no. BOE7963
ships within 1-2 working days
Payment and Delivery
Payment methods:
We offer the following payment methods:
You will receive your invoice with the delivered goods and the invoice amount should be transferred to us within 14 days. This payment method is availfromle for customers in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
Direct Debit
We offer a convenient direct debit procedure for German customers. Simply enter your bank details and we will collect the amount due from your account within 14 days of shipment of goods.
Credit Card
For orders placed outside Germany, we accept Visa and MasterCard payments. The amount due will be debited from your credit card upon dispatch of goods.
For some countries, we also accept PayPal payments. When placing your order, log into your PayPal account in order to make the payment. Payment will be taken from your PayPal account upon completion of your order.
Payment methods by country:
- Invoice (bank transfer payment within 14 days of receipt of goods)
- Direct debit from German bank account (amount debited within 14 days of goods shipment)
- PayPal
Austria, Switzerland, Benelux:
- Invoice (bank transfer payment within 14 days of receipt of goods)
- Credit card (VISA, Mastercard)
- PayPal
Other European countries and rest of the world:
- Credit card (VISA, Mastercard)
- PayPal
Shipment methods and shipping costs:
Free delivery applies to orders with a minimum goods value of EUR 35.00 (applies to orders placed from within Germany). For all other countries, minimum shipping costs will apply to orders.
Your order will be dispatched using Deutsche Post or DHL depending on the delivery address, value of goods and size and weight of shipment. Packages and parcels are delivered by DHL from Monday to Saturday. In addition, your can also provide us with an alternative delivery address.
How soon will I receive my sheet music order?
We provide details of delivery times for all items. Items labelled in stock are available from our warehouse. As soon as we receive your order, we will normally ship your item within one working day.
For particularly urgent orders, we can also be contacted by telephone or e-mail.
Packing station
We will gladly deliver your order to a German packing station. In order that you can be updated by the postal service regarding the arrival of your order, we require your eight digit post office customer number and the packing station number.
Separate invoicing
Upon request will send your invoice out separately by e-mail, in the event that this did not accompany your order. This option can be selected at the checkout stage when entering an alternative delivery address.
Our Bank Details:
- Credit Card
- Invoice
- PayPal
- Sepa
Not available in all countries. Learn more
- Language: German
- Pages: 172
- Release: 29.06.2020
- Weight: 513 g
- Rubric: Collections
- Genre: Children's Songs, Film Music
- ISBN: 9783954562305
A, B C, die Katze lief im Schnee
Ach, wie bin ich müde
Alle Jahre wieder
Alle Leut
Alle meine Entchen
Alles neu macht der Mai
Am Weihnachtsbaume
April, April (der weiß nicht, was er will)
Auf der schwäbsche Eisebahne
Backe, backe Kuchen
Bunt sind schon die Wälder
Das Lied im Radio (Turaluraluralu)
Das Wandern ist des Müllers Lust
Der Elefant auf dem Spinnennetz
Die Gedanken sind frei
Der Frosch zog Hemd und Hose an
Der Gorilla mit der Sonnenbrille
Der Kuckuck und der Esel
Der Mond ist aufgegangen
Die Blümelein, sie schlafen
Die Jahresuhr
Die schnellste Maus von Mexiko
Dornröschen war ein schönes Kind
Ei, ei, ei ihr Hühnerchen
Ein Hase saß im tiefen Tal
Ein kleines, graues Eselchen
Ein Lama in Yokohama
Ein Mann, der sich Kolumbus nannt
Es klappert die Mühle
Es regnet, es regnet
Es tönen die Lieder
Es war eine Mutter
Es schneit, es schneit
Feine Nüsschen
Ging ein Weiblein Nüsse schütteln
Guten Abend, gut Nacht
Guten Tag, ich bin der Nikolaus
Guter Mond, du gehst so stille
Hänschen klein
Häschen in der Grube
Horch, was kommt von draußen rein
Hurra, hurra, der Pumuckl ist da
Ich lieb den Frühling
Idas Sommerlied
Ihr Kinderlein, kommet
Im Frühtau zu Berge
Im Märzen der Bauer
In der Weihnachtsbäckerei
In meinem kleinen Apfel
Jakob hat kein Brot im Haus
Jingle Bells
Kein schöner Land
Klein Häschen wollt spazieren gehn
Kleine Taschenlampe, brenn
Kling, Glöckchen, klingelingeling
Kuckuck, Kuckuck, rufts aus dem Wald
Laterne, Laterne
Leise, Peterle, leise
La le lu
Lasst uns froh und munter sein
Leise rieselt der Schnee
Mary had a little lamb
Mein Hut, der hat drei Ecken
Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann
Mein nagelneuer Roboter
Nun ruhen alle Wälder
Nun will der Lenz uns grüßen
O Tannenbaum, du trägst ein’ grünen Zweig
O Tannenbaum
Sankt Martin ritt durch Schnee und Wind
Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf
Schneemann, rolle, rolle
Schlafe, mein Prinzchen
Sei gegrüßt, lieber Nikolaus
Sing was vom Schmetterling
So ein Mist aber auch!
Spannenlanger Hansel
Still, still, still
Stille, stille, kein Geräusch gemacht
Taler, Taler, du musst wandern
Trarira, der Sommer, der ist da
Ward ein Blümlein mir geschenket
Was müssen das für Bäume sein?
Weißt du, wie viel Sternlein stehen?
Wenn der Topf aber nun ein Loch hat
Wenn ich ein Vöglein wär
Wer hat die schönsten Schäfchen?
Wer hat an der Uhr gedreht?
What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor?
Widewidewenne heißt meine Puthenne
Widele, wedele
Wir fahren mit der Bimmelbahn
Winter, ade!
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