String Orchestra Solo Pieces for Flute
Arranged here for flexible soloist and strings, this haunting melody from Argentine tango composer Astor Piazzolla provides an impressive showcase for a violin, flute, or oboe soloist. Beautifully sco...
Arranged here for flexible soloist and strings, this haunting melody from Argentine tango composer Astor Piazzolla provides an impressive showcase for a violin, flute, or oboe soloist. Beautifully sco...
- Violin and String orchestra
- Score and Parts
- Hal Leonard
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Mikis Theodorakis
Adagio / Sinfonietta
Flöte (Oboe, Klarinette in B, Trompete in B), Streichorchester und Percussion - Flöte, Klavier und Streichorchester
Flöte (Oboe, Klarinette in B, Trompete in B), Streichorchester und Percussion - Flöte, Klavier und Streichorchester
- Flute, Instrument and String Orchestra
- Score
- Edition Romanos
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ships within 1-2 working days
Der Komponist schrieb das Werk im Angedenken an die Opfer der Atombombe in Hiroshima. Das Sanskrit-Wort Santi bedeutet Ruhe und Frieden nach der Zerstörung. Der Komponist Masaaki Hayakawa (* 1934) ver...
Der Komponist schrieb das Werk im Angedenken an die Opfer der Atombombe in Hiroshima. Das Sanskrit-Wort Santi bedeutet Ruhe und Frieden nach der Zerstörung. Der Komponist Masaaki Hayakawa (* 1934) ver...
- Flute and String orchestra
- Score
- Musikverlag Zimmermann
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ships within 1-2 working days
- Flute and String orchestra
- Score
- Edizioni Suvini Zerboni
ships within 3-6 working days
- Flute and String orchestra
- Set of Parts - String Instruments
- Boosey & Hawkes
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ships within 1-2 working days
A concerto of classical elegance, cantability and virtuosity. The allegro in sonata form and the serenade-like andante are followed by the brilliant rondo reminding of Mozart, with a charming minuet a...
A concerto of classical elegance, cantability and virtuosity. The allegro in sonata form and the serenade-like andante are followed by the brilliant rondo reminding of Mozart, with a charming minuet a...
- Flute and String orchestra
- Score
- Schott Musik
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ships within 1-2 working days - Also available for download!
Antonio Vivaldi
Concerto G Major RV 436/PV 140 F VI No. 8
Flöte, Streichorchester und Basso continuo
Ein dreisätziges Werk von einfachem Satzbau und klarer musikalischer Gestik. Als Anfangskonzert für das Studium der Sololiteratur geeignet, außerdem ein ansprechendes Repertoirewerk für Kammerorcheste...
Ein dreisätziges Werk von einfachem Satzbau und klarer musikalischer Gestik. Als Anfangskonzert für das Studium der Sololiteratur geeignet, außerdem ein ansprechendes Repertoirewerk für Kammerorcheste...
- Flute, String Orchestra and Continuo
- Set of Parts
- Schott Musik
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ships within 1-2 working days
- Flute and String orchestra
- Score
- Schott Musik
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ships within 1-2 working days - Also available for download!
Piano reduction , Klavierauszug of Concerto in C major GWV 301 for Bassoon and Piano - with seperate bassoon part Among his solo concertos, the four works for solo bassoon are particularly significant...
Piano reduction , Klavierauszug of Concerto in C major GWV 301 for Bassoon and Piano - with seperate bassoon part Among his solo concertos, the four works for solo bassoon are particularly significant...
- Flute, String Orchestra and Continuo
- Piano Reduction
- Christoph Graupner Gesellschaft
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ships within 1-2 working days
- Flute, String Orchestra and Continuo
- Score
- Karl Heinrich Möseler Verlag
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ships within 1-2 working days
String Orchestra Solo Pieces for Flute on
In our sheet music online store you can finde a huge selection of String Orchestra Solo Pieces for Flute to order online. We are a specialized sheet music dealer since 1969 and our team includes studied musicians, musicologists and music teachers. Explore more than 1,100,000 sheet music items in our shop and order your favorite sheet music now!