Payment and Delivery
Payment methods:
We offer the following payment methods:
You will receive your invoice with the delivered goods and the invoice amount should be transferred to us within 14 days. This payment method is availfromle for customers in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
Direct Debit
We offer a convenient direct debit procedure for German customers. Simply enter your bank details and we will collect the amount due from your account within 14 days of shipment of goods.
Credit Card
For orders placed outside Germany, we accept Visa and MasterCard payments. The amount due will be debited from your credit card upon dispatch of goods.
For some countries, we also accept PayPal payments. When placing your order, log into your PayPal account in order to make the payment. Payment will be taken from your PayPal account upon completion of your order.
Apple Pay
For customers who have Apple Pay, we offer Apple Pay as a payment method in all countries. Your account will be charged when the order is completed.
Payment methods by country:
- Invoice (bank transfer payment within 14 days of receipt of goods)
- Direct debit from German bank account (amount debited within 14 days of goods shipment)
- PayPal
- Apple Pay
Austria, Switzerland, Benelux:
- Invoice (bank transfer payment within 14 days of receipt of goods)
- Credit card (VISA, Mastercard)
- PayPal
- Apple Pay
Other European countries and rest of the world:
- Credit card (VISA, Mastercard)
- PayPal
- Apple Pay
Shipment methods and shipping costs:
Free delivery applies to orders with a minimum goods value of EUR 35.00 (applies to orders placed from within Germany). For all other countries, minimum shipping costs will apply to orders.
Your order will be dispatched using Deutsche Post or DHL depending on the delivery address, value of goods and size and weight of shipment. Packages and parcels are delivered by DHL from Monday to Saturday. In addition, your can also provide us with an alternative delivery address.
How soon will I receive my sheet music order?
We provide details of delivery times for all items. Items labelled in stock are available from our warehouse. As soon as we receive your order, we will normally ship your item within one working day.
For particularly urgent orders, we can also be contacted by telephone or e-mail.
Packing station
We will gladly deliver your order to a German packing station. In order that you can be updated by the postal service regarding the arrival of your order, we require your eight digit post office customer number and the packing station number.
Separate invoicing
Upon request will send your invoice out separately by e-mail, in the event that this did not accompany your order. This option can be selected at the checkout stage when entering an alternative delivery address.
Our Bank Details:
ships within 1-2 working days
Rainer Butz, Hans Magolt
Flötenzirkus Band 2
Recorder tutor for children aged 5 and over
Rainer Butz, Hans Magolt
Flötenzirkus Band 2
Recorder tutor for children aged 5 and over
- Instrumentation Descant Recorder
- Composer Rainer Butz Hans Magolt
- Series Essential Exercises
Difficulty Level
- Edition Sheet Music
- Publisher Schott Musik
- Order no. ED9692
ships within 1-2 working days
Payment and Delivery
Payment methods:
We offer the following payment methods:
You will receive your invoice with the delivered goods and the invoice amount should be transferred to us within 14 days. This payment method is availfromle for customers in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
Direct Debit
We offer a convenient direct debit procedure for German customers. Simply enter your bank details and we will collect the amount due from your account within 14 days of shipment of goods.
Credit Card
For orders placed outside Germany, we accept Visa and MasterCard payments. The amount due will be debited from your credit card upon dispatch of goods.
For some countries, we also accept PayPal payments. When placing your order, log into your PayPal account in order to make the payment. Payment will be taken from your PayPal account upon completion of your order.
Apple Pay
For customers who have Apple Pay, we offer Apple Pay as a payment method in all countries. Your account will be charged when the order is completed.
Payment methods by country:
- Invoice (bank transfer payment within 14 days of receipt of goods)
- Direct debit from German bank account (amount debited within 14 days of goods shipment)
- PayPal
- Apple Pay
Austria, Switzerland, Benelux:
- Invoice (bank transfer payment within 14 days of receipt of goods)
- Credit card (VISA, Mastercard)
- PayPal
- Apple Pay
Other European countries and rest of the world:
- Credit card (VISA, Mastercard)
- PayPal
- Apple Pay
Shipment methods and shipping costs:
Free delivery applies to orders with a minimum goods value of EUR 35.00 (applies to orders placed from within Germany). For all other countries, minimum shipping costs will apply to orders.
Your order will be dispatched using Deutsche Post or DHL depending on the delivery address, value of goods and size and weight of shipment. Packages and parcels are delivered by DHL from Monday to Saturday. In addition, your can also provide us with an alternative delivery address.
How soon will I receive my sheet music order?
We provide details of delivery times for all items. Items labelled in stock are available from our warehouse. As soon as we receive your order, we will normally ship your item within one working day.
For particularly urgent orders, we can also be contacted by telephone or e-mail.
Packing station
We will gladly deliver your order to a German packing station. In order that you can be updated by the postal service regarding the arrival of your order, we require your eight digit post office customer number and the packing station number.
Separate invoicing
Upon request will send your invoice out separately by e-mail, in the event that this did not accompany your order. This option can be selected at the checkout stage when entering an alternative delivery address.
Our Bank Details:
- Credit Card
- Invoice
- PayPal
- Sepa
Not available in all countries. Learn more
- Language: German
- Pages: 80
- Release: 14.03.2004
- Weight: 293 g
- Rubric: Methods
- Genre: Children's Songs
- ISBN: 9783795756499
- ISMN: 9790001136105
Aus dem Inhalt: Der Ton fis, Das Kreuz
Das Auflösungszeichen
Das Anblasen der Flöte
Die dü"-Sprache"
Das Anrufspiel, Die Notenschrift
Der Bindebogen
Das Namenspiel
Das hohe g
Das Atemzeichen, Wir machen Musik
Der Ton a, Affenglück
Märchenwald, Spiegelbild
Krokodiltraum, Kängurutrick
Der Ton h, Hasenzauber
Das hohe f
Der Takt, Mutiger Dompteur
Armer Jongleur
Die F-Dur-Tonleiter
Der Ton cis
Der Ton es
Der Ton gis
Der Ton dis
Freches Nikolauslied
Der Zweierund der Vierertakt
Der Dreiertakt, Nachts im Wald
Die punktierte halbe Note, Feentanz
Der Auftakt, Der Wal, Am Trapez
Ritter und Prinzessin
Tanzende Finger
Das hohe c, Cäsars Lied
Versteckpsiel, Schneck im Haus
Katzenfreund, Sonnenstrahl
Der Artist
Die Akrobatin, Zirkus-Poka
Taximann, Hoffnung
Rundtanz, Kleiner Eisbär
Der Ton e, Elefantenkind
Hoppe, hoppe Reiter
Die ganze Note, Kasperle
Chinesischer Tanz, Dressurwalzer
Das hohe d, Dinausaurierpech
Die Feuerwehr
Segelfliegen, Tanzkanon
Ist ein Mann in Brunn' gefallen
Summ, summ, summ
Hänschen klein und seine Freunde
Die Viertelpause, Kuckuck
Hänsel und Gretel
Das tiefe d, Dino-Alltag, Posthorn
Die ganze Pause
Onkel Donald hat 'ne Farm
Schottisches Lied
Die Achtelnote, Zirkus-Ballett
Tipi-Tap-Schritte, Tipi-Tap-Lied
Zirkustiere (Kanon)
Meine kleine Flöte
Wir sind zwei Musikanten
Das tiefe c, Celloclown
König Sansibar, Seemannslied
Der Ton f, Froschmahlzeit
Posthorn, Kleine Tänzer
Frecher Floh
Heimweh, Alle meine Entchen
Der Haltebogen, Abendlied
Der Mond ist aufgegangen
Lieder für besondere Anlässe
Ständchen, Viel Glück und viel Segen
Hurra, hurra, der Pumuckl ist da!
Die punktierte Viertelnote
Winter, ade!
Sommerkanon, Laternenlied
Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen
O Heiland, reiß die Himmel auf
Lasst uns froh und munter sein
Ihr Kinderlein kommet
Was soll das bedeuten
Alle Jahre wieder
Lobet den Herren (Kanon)
Sende dein Licht, Halleluja (Kanons)
Hintere Umschlagseite: Das große Zirkus-Bilderrätsel
Grifftabelle, Lehrerkommentar
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