> Zweisprachig (dt./engl.) > Viele Notenbeispiele > Modernes und übersichtliches Layout Der Regensburger Domorganist und Orgelprofessor Franz Josef Stoiber legt hier keine herkömmliche Improvisationss...
This progressively arranged organ method is suitable for children from approx. 8 years, for persons coming back to the instrument after a hiatus, and for autodidacts of any age. It contains both varie...
Volume 2 requires good music reading abilities, a developed sense of rhythm and elementary knowledge of music theory. Fundamental techniques as taught in volume 1 are deepened, also in pedal playing....
Volume 3 requires advanced technical skills both in manual and pedal playing. Sophisticated articulations such as ordentlicher Fortgang are developed by means of numerous examples from so-called Early...
Build your Hammond chops! The secret to creating funky sizzles and classic Hammond sounds is mastering the combined use of the drawbars, expression pedal, and the Leslie speaker speed switch. Sound co...
This book will be a helpful addition to every church organist's music collection. Key transition bridges and short fills, it is a wonderful resource for use in the worship service.
French organist and composer, Marcel Dupré (1886-1971) is also remembered as a significant pedagogue. His Méthode d'Orgue is for beginner students of the Organ, who have previously acquired some Piano...
A musically stimulating spinet organ course that teaches chords and smooth voice leading, note reading and pedaling. For those students interested in creating a truly professional sound.