As the name suggests, the series First Class contains compositions for the first group lessons which, despite their easy grade, are first class pieces! First Class offers numerous possibilities for en...
Clear the stage for the children! - Playing music together is fun! Good ensemble-playing, however, must be learned at an early age. This series has been designed to support those music teachers who wa...
12 Klezmer arrangements for flexible instrumentation: melody, accompanying voice, guitar chords, bass voice Unbroken is the excitement and fascination associated with Klezmer, the secular music of Eas...
The U.Play.Plus Series, arranged by Victor López, provides solos, duets, trios, quartets, and larger ensembles with flexible instrumentation. Each book has a two-line score for every title. The top li...
2-stimmige Arrangements für variable Besetzung mit Melodiestimmen in C und Bb, Gitarrenakkorden, Klavier und Bass. Irische Musik begeistert seit Generationen eine wachsende Anhängerschar. Was diese Au...
A versatile, fun series intended for like or mixed instruments to perform in any combination of instruments, regardless of skill level. All books are in score format with each line increasing in diffi...
Die Kegelduette wurden oft schon neu gesetzt und bearbeitet. Das Novum dieser Ausgabe ist es, das die schönen Duette nun auch von Klavier etc. begleitet werden können und das Sie nicht nur für Klarine...