The Source used for our edition was a manuscipt belonging to the Royal Library of Copenhagen, kept there under No. mu 6210.2931 Giedde's Samling I, 26 and titled: 'Sonata ... Del Sig. Graun'.
As did most of the galant composers attached to the Berlin court of Frederick the Great, Carl Heinrich Graun wrote a significant number of trios [trio sonatas] that exist in versions with different sc...
The Sonata for Violoncello and Clavier by Carl Heinrich Graun, published by Amadeus as a FIRST PRINT, was composed in 1775, during the late Baroque transitional period when the fortepiano slowly began...
Die vier für Grauns 'empfindsamen' Stil typischen Chorsätze erschienen erstmals zwischen 1776 und 1791 in den 'Vierstimmigen Motetten und Arien', die der Leipziger Thomaskantor Johann Adam Hiller hera...